Roar B2B connects communities through sustainable, innovate events.


Roar B2B operates a number of trade exhibitions and events in the environmental, healthcare, and business technology sectors. These high growth sectors are subject to continual regulatory and technological change and Roar’s content-led shows enable attendees to keep abreast of the latest industry developments. The market-leading events include RWM, Naidex and the Call & Contact Centre Expo.

The CEO, Duncan Kirk, heads an experienced management team with extensive market experience. He is supported by CFO Darren Blundy and Chair Jane Burgess.

Oncology convention

Investment strategy

Roar B2B focuses on sectors that are critical to how we live, communicate and work, both now and in the future. The management team has a clear plan to develop the quality and content of each of the events and will selectively develop new exhibitions, both in the UK and overseas, as well as consider strategic acquisitions.

Key details

Number of events
Number of visitors
Investment date
November 2019
Business Services
Visit Website

We wanted an investment partner that shared our vision to create a distinctive and dynamic business in this vibrant and fast-growing sector of the media industry. Apiary is providing the support we need to build a market-leading organiser of world class trade exhibitions.

Duncan Kirk